Thoughtful design creates fulfilling experience. At every point in the design cycle, I re-center my work around one question - “How will this support the user in pursuing their goal?” Defining user goals and intentionally aligning with them helps me convert requirements and concepts into sharp, curated experiences.


FEATURE: AI-supported job listing refinement

My role: UX design, end-to-end product strategy // Deliverables: Persona documentation, taskflows, wireframes, prototype

In this rapid-pace project, my team collaborated to answer the question, “How might we leverage ChatGPT to improve recruiters’ experience with creating job postings?” Our final prototype is a tightly designed, robust feature that directly addresses our primary persona’s goals.

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Sample screen from this case study. Showing a UI where a "Smart Assist" module is making a suggestion for adjusting the salary range in a job description to better suit market data.

FEATURE: Insights layer for analytics platforms

My role: Lead UX designer // Deliverables: Concept designs, wireframes

I have lead multiple Analytics design teams during my work at Korn Ferry. Our design requirements often center content over impact, so I designed this insights layer to provide the actionable takeaways that consultants and clients need.

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Cycles of product development are peppered by the quick cadence of detailed design improvements. I intentionally build time for projects like the ones below into my weeks. These help increase my impact by enhancing holistic user experience, agnostic of concrete feature requirements.

Information architecture

How might we organize the many reports, tools and categories within complex product ecosystems so that our users can easily find the page that addresses their problem? I build and test information architecture diagrams to ensure that our platforms align with users’ mental models.

UX audits

UX designs and fully developed experiences are both great candidates for audits. Whenever I move onto a new project, I like to acclimate myself to the ecosystem by doing an audit of the existing screens - using a fine-tooth comb to find elements that don’t align with UX heuristics and best practices.

UX writing standards

One of my great UX passions is finding and fixing inconsistencies. I catalogued the terminologies used to essentially mean “open” in node menus across our suite of products. With this data in hand (spreadsheets are my life), I collaborated with my team to create a simple, standardized global pattern.


User Research